Who We Are

Our Team

Our international and interdisciplinary team combines expertise in AI and data science, software development, social sciences, and requirements engineering.
Thanks to our strategic partnership with collective.ai, we have a flexible team of senior data scientists with whom we engage in various projects.

Dr. Cecilia Maas

CEO & Project Manager

Lionel Chamorro

CTO & AI Architect (via partnership with collective.ai)

Jan Kühn

Product Manager & Data Consultant

Valeria Behrend

Frontend Developer & UX/UI Designer

Bastian Silva

AI Engineer (via partnership with collective.ai)

Raul Barriga

AI Engineer & Dev Ops (via partnership with collective.ai)

Ariel Haimovici

AI Researcher (via partnership with collective.ai)

Julian Ansaldo

AI Engineer (via partnership with collective.ai)

Paolo Donizetti

Project Manager & AI Consultant (via partnership with collective.ai)

Our Story

How Did We Get Here

aureka started as a Spin Off of the Freie Universität Berlin. We were supported in the development of our software by the Berlin Startup Stipendium (09.2020-03.2021), the EXIST-Gründerstipendium (04.2021-03.2022), the Prototype Fund, digital.engagiert and the Medieninnovationszentrum Babelsberg (MIZ). 
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