Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Didn't find what you were looking for? Here are answers to common questions that might help you.
An illustration of two characters interacting with digital FAQ displays in a modern, tech-savvy environment, set against a soft purple background with abstract plant decorations.

About aureka

When & why was aureka founded?

In 2020, aureka started as a research and technology transfer project at Freie Universität Berlin. The goal was to put Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies at the service of preserving and improving the access to cultural heritage with the focus on audio-visual materials. Our goal is to enable organizations and individuals to effectively accomplish their missions with help of the power of AI.

Today, aureka has advanced a lot in that path, offering an AI Research Assistant that allows users to transcribe audio-visual material and, based on the text, perform different tasks and analyses. Users can search in their files or collections, create translations and subtitles, add annotations and metadata, or perform automated and AI-based content analysis.

Be it museums, archives, researchers, journalist, or podcast producers: aureka’s web app offers a wide range of possibilities to work with, systematize, and archive transcripts and transform the data for further production.

How many employees does aureka have?

In 2024, aureka consists of four direct employees. Thanks to a fruitful cooperation with the Argentinian, we can count on five more experts in everything related to AI, Machine Learning, and software development. Meet the team.

How does aureka use AI for positive social impact?

At aureka we are not only committed to ensuring that AI is used in a way that is ethical, transparent, and fair. We are also strive to use it in a way that is socially inclusive and that benefits all members of society, especially those underprivileged or excluded.

For example, by using aureka to explore archive material, we help to safeguard historical data and make them accessible to the public. In this way, knowledge is not only preserved for future generations, but also democratized.

Making the world’s cultural heritage accessible to all is a great example of how AI technologies can be used for good.

How can I contact aureka?

You can contact us via email at or by filling out the contact form on our contact page. We are looking forward to hearing from you! Contact Us

Product & Services

What does aureka specialize in?

aureka specializes in creating AI solutions tailored to improve research and cataloging efforts in various sectors. Our focus is particularly strong on aiding archivists, scientists, and journalists in handling audio and video content with advanced AI tools. These solutions are designed to enhance the efficiency of processing, managing, and extracting value from large volumes of media data, thereby enabling our clients to focus more on their core activities and less on the administrative overhead.

How does aureka differ from others?

aureka stands out by focusing on enhancing research and cataloging for culture, science, and media sectors with tailored AI solutions. We excel in managing complex audio and video content, streamlining the processing and management of media data, which allows organizations to reduce administrative overhead significantly. Our technology not only integrates smoothly with existing systems but also adheres to the highest EU data privacy standards, ensuring that all client data is handled with utmost security.

Which services does aureka offer?

aureka offers a wide range of services to help organizations and individuals effectively accomplish their missions with the help of AI. Our main service is the AI Research Assistant, which allows users to transcribe audio-visual material and, based on the text, perform different tasks and analyses. Users can search in their files or collections, create translations and subtitles, add annotations and metadata, or perform automated and AI-based content analysis.

Additionally, we offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to the unique needs of organizations in culture, science, and media sectors. Our consultancy services are designed to help you pinpoint your challenges and craft effective digital solutions. We specialize in the development of custom features and integrations, as well as custom AI solutions that support your digital transformation and adoption of AI technologies. To showcase the effectiveness of our solutions, we provide rapid prototyping services.

Our expertise extends across a range of cutting-edge technologies, including natural language processing, audio analysis, computer vision, recommender systems, and generative models. Additionally, we develop seamless APIs that integrate smoothly with your existing systems. All your data is securely handled on servers located in Europe, adhering to stringent EU data privacy standards.


What kind of custom AI solutions does aureka develop?

We offer custom AI solutions across various fields including natural language processing, audio analysis, computer vision, and more, tailored to your organization's needs. If you want to find out more, book a consultation call now.

Does aureka provide consultations and prototyping?

Yes, we offer consultancy to identify and tackle your specific challenges and provide prototyping to demonstrate the solutions’ potential effectively. Interested? Book a consultation call now.

How can aureka save time for archives, libraries, and museums?

Our cataloging assistant can save up to 80% of indexing time with features like automatic transcripts and AI-generated metadata, while ensuring seamless integration with existing systems. Learn more

What solutions does aureka offer for qualitative research?

aureka makes it easy to handle interview data, focus groups, and audio/video recordings with automated transcription, AI insights, and synchronized annotations to streamline content analysis. Learn more

Is aureka suitable for media and content producers?

Yes, our upcoming tools will assist journalists and content creators in managing their media archives efficiently and slicing audio quotes quickly for various productions. Learn more

Can aureka integrate with my existing systems?

Absolutely! We develop custom APIs on demand that integrate smoothly with your systems, ensuring efficient workflow continuity. Get in touch and book a consultation call, if you want to learn more.

How can I try aureka's solutions?

You can start by signing up for a free trial directly on our website to experience how aureka can streamline your operations. We are also looking for beta testers who give us feedback during the development of new features. In return, they can get temporary free access to our web app.

What is a beta tester?

A beta tester is someone who helps evaluate software during its development phase by using its pre-release version. As a beta tester for aureka, you'll have the opportunity to explore new features and provide valuable feedback to improve the product. In exchange, you'll get temporary free access to our web app. This role is crucial in enhancing software usability and stability before it reaches the general public.

Privacy & Data Protection

How does aureka guarantee data privacy and protection?

At aureka, we ensure data privacy and protection by strictly adhering to the principles and regulations outlined by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We implement appropriate security measures to safeguard your data and maintain transparency about the data we collect, its use, and your rights concerning your personal information.

Where is the data stored?

aureka stores all data on secure servers located within Europe, ensuring compliance with EU data privacy standards.

Who has access?

Access to your data is restricted to authorized aureka personnel and our trusted service providers who are involved in managing our operations and services. These parties are obligated to handle the data in accordance with our strict privacy policies and applicable laws.

Where are the servers located?

Our servers are located in Europe, which allows us to ensure that data handling and storage comply with the high standards of EU data protection regulations.

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